Necklace made out of sharp fangs

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This gruesome necklace consists of sharp dirty white fangs threaded together with thin leather strap. The clattering of the fangs sound like horrifying laughter as they bounce and move on the strap. From what animal or monster the fangs are, it is impossible to tell, but they seem to be yellowed and stained with time.
Armour type: Necklace
Stats: two versions;
  • +1% Mastery of Pain & +Spr
  • +2% Mastery of Pain & +more spr
It looks Very light weight (0.075 kg)
Sacvalue: 161k (1mop version), 495k (2mop)
It is called fang necklace and identified as 'necklace' and 'necklace made out of sharp fangs'
It takes the following slot: Neck
Made of: ivory
Size: extreme small
Quality: flawed
From: Grasthlug the orc Warlock in Slopes of Blackteeth mountains