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skillmax, Str, Dex & Con
  1. Skillmax of all +1
    Statmax of con +3
    Statmax of dex +3
    Statmax of str +3
  2. Statmax of con +4
    Skillmax of all +1
    Statmax of str +4
    Statmax of dex +4
  3. Statmax of con +5
    Skillmax of all +1
    Statmax of dex +5
    Statmax of str +5
  4. Statmax of con +6
    Skillmax of all +1
    Statmax of dex +6
    Statmax of str +6
  5. Statmax of con +8
    Statmax of dex +8
    Skillmax of all +1
    Statmax of str +8
  6. Statmax of dex +4
    Skillmax of all +1
    Statmax of con +4
    Statmax of str +4
  7. Statmax of con +5
    Skillmax of all +1
    Statmax of dex +5
    Statmax of str +5
  8. Statmax of con +6
    Skillmax of all +1
    Statmax of dex +6
    Statmax of str +6
  9. Statmax of dex +8
    Skillmax of all +1
    Statmax of con +8
    Statmax of str +8
  10. Statmax of con +9
    Skillmax of all +2
    Statmax of dex +9
    Statmax of str +9
  11. Statmax of dex +5
    Statmax of str +5
    Statmax of con +5
    Skillmax of all +1
  12. Statmax of con +6
    Statmax of dex +6
    Statmax of str +6
    Skillmax of all +1
  13. Statmax of con +8
    Statmax of dex +8
    Skillmax of all +1
    Statmax of str +8
  14. Statmax of dex +9
    Statmax of con +9
    Statmax of str +9
    Skillmax of all +1
  15. Skillmax of all +3
    Statmax of str +10
    Statmax of dex +10
    Statmax of con +10
  16. Statmax of str +6
    Statmax of dex +6
    Skillmax of all +1
    Statmax of con +6
  17. Statmax of con +8
    Statmax of dex +8
    Skillmax of all +1
    Statmax of str +8
  18. Statmax of con +9
    Statmax of dex +9
    Skillmax of all +1
    Statmax of str +9
  19. Statmax of con +10
    Statmax of dex +10
    Skillmax of all +1
    Statmax of str +10
  20. Skillmax of all +4
    Statmax of con +11
    Statmax of dex +11
    Statmax of str +11
Seekers of Orion
Guild master(s): Martow <analytics uacct="UA-3466433-3" ></analytics>, Amaiel <analytics uacct="UA-3466433-3" ></analytics>, Wex <analytics uacct="UA-3466433-3" ></analytics>
Player City: Orion
Description: This society seeks to gain knowledge about the Legendary Hunter, Orion.

Their highest goal is to find him. Such a job takes great diligence. The Seekers are dedicated and skilled in almost any given field of expertise, but excel in speed and wit.

Orion+ costs 25k/level and Sirius+ 20k/level. If you need both societies it costs 40k/level. You receive the guild item and channel when you join.

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