See list of quests.
Quests provide another goal to aim for other than simply the exp/min rate. There are level quests, guild quests, area quests, and even more are available. Also few hidden quests.
[hide]Accomplishing quests
In BatMUD there is rarely any need to start the quest. Simply do the deed and you are effort is acknowledged. You can display the quests which you have accomplished with the 'quests' command. It is also possible for you to see what quests other players have accomplished by 'finger -q <player>'.
NOTE: Depending on how a quest was coded, you may need to complete specific tasks in order to be credited with its completion. See help how quests work
Levels and quests
Level quests reduce the cost of a certain level. If a level has one level quest, its cost will be halved if you finish it. If it has two level quests, each quest will reduce the cost by 1/3.
You can only receive level quests if you finish them while you are below their level. Ie, you will not receive level quest 8 if you're level 10.
NOTE: You _NEED_ quest Rules 101 to advance to level 21
Training points
You also get training points from completed quests. Training points from lqs come when you advance to quests level, area quest points are awarded right when you are eglible for training points (at level 31). This means you have to complete the quest at lower level than the quest level, but the training points come later, when advancing.
Most quests save over reincarnations. Some guild quests do not save through reincarnation. Check the quest room to determine whether or not a quest will save.
NOTE: Quests can also expire if the coder updates the quest.
This may happen at login or at reincarnation, depending on how major a change was made.
Visit the quest room south from adv-guild for more information on the quests.