Rotahunt the Confessor

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This hideous being was once a well liked dungeon keeper who treated his prisoners fairly until a curse was placed on him magnifying his evil traits and forcing him to serve the lizard king. Horns twisting out of the top of his head as well as dark vacant eyes are the most obvious signs of his forced transformation into this demon-like creature. He gained his infamous name by torturing his prisoners until they confessed to even crimes they didn't commit. Evil oozes through every poor of his body making him perfect for mutilating and torturing prisoners considered dangerous to the lizard king.
Rotahunt the Confessor's equipment:
Spells: imprisonment, lava storm, banish, demonic gate, dispel magical protection
Skills: Missing skills
Area: Tarackia
Alignment: evil
Race: demon
Exp worth: 1058k - 1120k