A nasty dragolich known as 'Tulareg' (undead)

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Lich is a kind of a skeleton, almost like a dead skeleton. Of course in a more dead and evil way. The name dragolich is quite self explicatory; The former owner of the body of this enormous dracolich was a big fat dragon. He is almost 100 feet long from the skull to bony tail. He has quite nasty looking long yellowish nails and feet long sharp teeth. His skull is almost fifteen feet long and his eye sockets glow dimly with eerie red light. For some reason or another, you are certain that this skeleton is a male. From the depths of your own mind, encoded there by your ancestors, resounds its horrific name. The name, Tulareg. He glows with blueish aura.
Tulareg's equipment:

Hand: a glaring blue glove <red glow>
Held: a twisted, dry mummified leg

Spells: electrocution
Skills: Missing skills
Area: Valley of the Kings
Alignment: Missing alignment
Race: Missing race
Exp worth: 309k
Gender: male