Set of White Rose

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Revision as of 12:20, 19 April 2008 by Nuane (Talk | contribs)

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 | Name: Set of White Rose                                          |
 | Rating: Demanding                                                |
 | Time to Complete: 5d                                             |
 | Extra equipment: No                                              |
 | Total of 1 nun may do this task at the same time                 |
 | Bonuses                                                          |
 |    Knowledge of dispelling                                    22 |
 |    Stat wis                                                    1 |
 |    Stat int                                                    1 |
 |    Power of faith                                              5 |
 |    Might of the saints                                        27 |
 | Description                                                      |
 |   Set of White rose was used by St. Nicoline in the War          |
 |   against Burglefloogah when she single-handedly slew            |
 |   thousands of slaads. The equipment set she used consisted      |
 |   of ordinary equipment but when binded together with special    |
 |   holy spell they united forming the ultimate caster             |
 |   equipment set. After St. Nicoline passed away the set was      |
 |   put on display beside the great Altar. After time passed by    |
 |   we noticed the set begin to vaporize until it vanished         |
 |   completely. So the set must be re-built from time to time      |
 |   to honor the Legacy of St. Nicoline. Your task is to gather    |
 |   all the individual equipment belonging to the set and hand     |
 |   them to Abbess Abigail. When you have returned all the         |
 |   items needed, Abbess will use the Creation spell and form      |
 |   the set again and place it beside the great altar.             |
 | Help                                                             |
 |   After started the task go to Abbess and ask her about the      |
 |   set and she will tell you more.                                |