Crystal glove

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Crystal glove <red glow>
This glove is made out of a crystal like material, mounted upon a fine leather glove. It is nice and light to wear and your fingers move lighter than usually while you wear it. The crystals flacker in all colors of the rainbow.
It contains a tale;
Made by Kurun the dwarf, this glove is one of the secrets of the great items he produced. Some years of commited research and the help of his friend the famed mage and researcher Liscom finally allowed him to finish this masterpiece of artistry.
Armour type: glove
Stats: +3% amalgamate & +1% gem cutting
It looks Very light weight (0.120 kg)
Sacvalue: ~17k
It is called crystal glove and identified as 'glove' and 'crystal glove'
It takes the following slot: Hand
Made of: crystal
Size: extremely small
Quality: poor
From: Kurun, VotK