A tall, armoured drow bodyguard stands here.

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This bodyguard is huge for a drow. He stands almost 180cm tall, is quite heavily muscled, and is carrying a polearm in one hand. His white hair is cut back short, giving him a very serious military look, and his glowing red eyes peer from beneath his helmet in a permanent look of distrust. Everything about this drow screams of danger, you fear he is a very powerful warrior.
Praixor's equipment:

Both hands, both legs and upper body: Highsteel plate armour

Wielded in right claw: Hook-shaped polearm <red glow>

Wielded in left claw: Drow longsword <red glow>

Hand: Gleaming steel gauntlet (random)

Finger: Thick adamantium ring (random)

Both feet: leather and steel plate boots <red glow> (random)

Spells: cold ray
Skills: grapple
Area: Drow tower
Alignment: evil
Race: drow
Exp worth: 209k - 287k
PAP: 14d