A puddle of oily black tar (undead)

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Yeshoms are the undead remnants of aranean mages who sought power, got it, and paid too high a price. In its normal form, the yeshom resembles a large puddle of oily, black tar. Yeshoms came into being about 1,500 years ago, when a group of Harazam mages cooperated in an effort to gain immortality, augment the natural shapechanging abilities of the aranean race, and gain additional spellcasting power. Their research effort succeeded in all three of these goals, discovering a method by which a powerful aranea could be transformed into a new form with vastly greater power. A number of Harazam's best and finest mages volunteered for the treatment and were transformed into yeshoms, before the process's horrible side effects were discovered.At first, the Harazam volunteers were able to retain their original alignments through force of will. However, the undead form carried a subtle evil warping influence, which slowly made the yeshoms psychotic and bitter. All of them eventually became insane, humanoid-hating recluses.
Spells: banish, acid rain, cone of cold, lava blast, psi blast
Skills: Missing skills
Area: Savage coast
Alignment: Missing alignment
Race: Missing race
Exp worth: 184k - 201k