a frosty birch wand, remnant of the winters past
A crude blackened birch stick has been covered several layers frost each carrying the memories of some long gone winter. There is an aspect of beauty to this wand, it represents in some sense very blissful imagery a forest of sleeping in the mid of winter. That may be maybe deceiving, since innocent slumber may sometimes entail the full fury of the most merciless of seasons. The wood feels cold to touch, very cold, perhaps too cold for it to be natural. It contains a tale; This wand was the trusty companion of sister Valentina, the chosen of saints. In all her travels and all her perils, she did know that only one wave could save the day.
Armour type:
+over max spr, +4 wis, +invoke hailstorm, -MUCH fire resistance
It looks
Light weight (0.435 kg)
1811700 (from id)
It is called
a frozen wand and identified as 'frosty birch wand', 'frosty wand', 'frozen wand', 'wand of the winters past', 'frost wand', 'a frosty birch wand' and 'wand'.
It takes the following slot:
Made of:
90% birch, 10% ice
very small
Sister Valentina