A long black cloak with royal seal

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The cloak is made from finest cloth and is quite thick. The hood is made from black silk and several black pearls have been attached to the hemline. The royal seal of his majecty the Black King has been embroided to the backside of this magnificent cloak.
It contains a tale;
It was rumored that this cloak gave Black King an advantage againt the White King and his minions.
Armour type: great cloak
Stats: +4 Spr (aka. "2-3") & +4 Con
It looks A bit heavy (3.936 kg)
Sacvalue: 678k
It is called royal cloak and identified as 'cloak', 'black cloak', 'long cloak', 'long black cloak', 'royal cloak' and 'great cloak'
It takes the following slot: Cloak
Made of: 80% Cloth, 5% Pearl & 15% Silk
Size: small
Quality: shoddy
From: Black King, Chessboard