This black, long, flowing great cloak reaches all the way to your feet. The hood drapes your head, and the cloak conceals you almost completely. The cloak is made from thin black silk and a set of small pearls have been woven into the back of the cloak representing stars and consellations. One constellation in the back of the hood is woven in with red pearls instead of regular ones used in every other constellation. Some kind of magical aura surrounds the item.
Armour type:
great cloak
+5 physical resistance, +5% dodge, +invisibility special, evil wear only, size requirement (at least 59 works).
It looks
A bit heavy (1.848 - 2.3 kg)
It is called
cloak, silk cloak, great cloak, black cloak, silk great cloak, a black cloak, silk great cloak, constellation cloak, silk constellation cloak
It takes the following slot:
Made of:
95% silk and 5% pearl
Missing size
Asharu, Valley of the Kings
Other info:
Cannot be identified with 'identify' spell. Used to have max wear size of 120 or 121 but it was uptuned, no longer problems wearing it as a titan spawn with lots of spawn rep.