Dawn, the string-pulling manipulator

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This drow elf has never seen the light of day. Her skin is the color of bleached paper and her eyes are abnormally large. She is of less that average height with unbelievably curly hair. Her night black hair flows in waves down a small thin-boned frame. Her beautifully perfect face is sprinkled with child-like freckles. Her huge, deep brown doe eyes swallow your soul whole. It is unfortunate that behind those eyes is an evil, twisted soul. Her beauty masks a cruel, manipulative mastermind, one who will do whatever necessary to get what she wants.
Spells: dispel good
Skills: Missing skills
Area: Female warrior society in Perin's
Alignment: Missing alignment
Race: Missing race
Exp worth: 46k - 68k
Other info: The actual full shortdesc is Dawn, the string-pulling manipulator <ULTRA BITCH>.