Gothe Hawkeye, the leader of the Mountainfolk

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Gothe Hawkeye is Eirik's cousin - and like Eirik he is a brave and cunning soldier and a skilled leader. He is, however, harsh and cruel, and merciless towards his enemies. Where Eirik is just and calm, Gothe is a complete opposite. He is the leader of the people known as the Mountain Folk, which is said to be as brave and fierce as its chieftain is. Today Gothe has arrived to Eirik's council for some urgent matter.
Gothe's equipment:

Amulet: A silver pendant in heavy chain

Both hands, upper body and legs and feet: An iron battlesuit

Wielded in right claw: An iron claymore

Belt: A wool girdle

Spells: Missing spells
Skills: bladed fury
Area: Buckthorn valley
Alignment: Missing alignment
Race: Missing race
Exp worth: 118k