This straight, double-edged blade tapers gently to a sharp point, and is slightly longer than a human's forearm. The hilt is coated in a gold skin, and gems are studded along both sides. Four of the gem settings seem noteworthy, as they are larger and edged in runes. It is surrounded by a red glow.
Weapon type:
short sword
tuneable with gems, see chart
It looks
Heavy (4.9 kg)
It is called
'shortsword', 'short sword', 'ornate shortsword', 'jeweled shortsword', 'mithril shortsword', 'shortsword with jeweled hilt', 'short' and 'sword'
Made of
5% diamond, 20% gold, 75% mithril
somewhat small
Efiilas Quartermaster
Compares between:
elven shield shaped like a flower and The Shield of the Wind
Other info:
You can 'insert' gems into the open holes to empower the shortsword with magical effects. You can destroy all gems in the sword with 'discharge sword'. First gem of a type gives +4 skill/stat, the next three give only +1-2. Max appears to be +8. The upgraded version of this sword gives an extra gem slot.