Riftwalker tasks

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The members of the The Guild of Riftwalkers get different tasks to perform to enhance their entitys. Visit the shaman in the riftwalker cave. There you can ask shaman about tasks and ask shaman about task xxx. Tasks can be done while in party as long as the tasks doer sparked the monster. Completing a tier gives focus points to entities and unlocks the next tier.

Tier 1

Burn them all

Show me your strength and power! Using your fire entity, you and you alone must kill 30 monsters with an exp worth of 10000 or more.

You can now cast any offensive spell before combat begins without disrupting control over your fire entity.

Clever hands

To further my research, I require a rift spark created from the death of a mad scientist.

The 'heft' command is now available to your entities.

Cup half full

To further my research, I require a rift spark created from the death of amazon princess Tigra is trying to rally the council

The maximum number of rift sparks stored in your black gem has increased.

Patch me up

To further my research, I require a rift spark created from the death of Father Okmef is here, looking concerned.

Your entities will now benefit more from healing spells.

To arms brothers

To further my research, I require a rift spark created from the death of huge, imposing looking orc male.

The amount of entity weapons you can store has increased.

Brave the lance

To further my research, I require a rift spark created from the death of A mounted cavalier is guarding the keep.

The 'stats' command is now available to your entities.

Ride the rift

Show me you are a competent Riftwalker by using 'create rift' to travel to the sphere (and back again) from the following location:

  • This is where the castle's magic user does his observations of the sky. The view to the surrounding countryside is breath taking. Telescopes and other tools are placed on the walls. A ladder leads down through a trapdoor.

You feel more intelligent.

Blow them down

Show me your strength and power! Using your air entity, you and you alone must kill 25 monsters with an exp worth of 12000 or more.

Air entity control will now break when an offensive spell hits, not when you begin to cast.

Tier 2

Interesting salve

Old shaman whispers to you 'Please bring me an interesting salve, specifically one that has otherworldly properties. I'm not one hundred percent certain of the ingredients, but you migth want to try bloody herbs, and an alien material.'

Your entity will now auto-follow you when you re-enter the game.

Defender of the earth

Show me your strength and power! Using your earth entity, you and you alone must kill 15 monsters with an exp worth of 25000 or more.

Earth entity control will now break when an offensive spell hits, not when you begin to cast.

Drown them all

Show me your strength and power! Using your water entity, you and you alone must kill 20 monsters with an exp worth of 15000 or more.

Water entity control will now break when an offensive spell hits, not when you begin to cast.

The grind

Old shaman whispers to you 'I require 2500 rift sparks for my ongoing research. You can hand me sparks whenever you have them, and I'll keep them safe.'

Your ability to wield the power of the rift has increased, reducing the cast time of summoning a rift entity. The amount of spell points lost when your entity dies is less, and is further reduced as your entity's size increases.

Never have too much steel

To further my research, I require a rift spark created from the death of Tom Bombadil is here feeding birds and bunnies..

The amount of entity weapons you can store has increased greatly.

The healing touch

Old shaman whispers to you 'To further my research, I require a rift spark created from the death of Sister Alma the Master Exorcist.' (Nun guild schedule)

Your entities will now benefit greatly from healing spells.

Rough ridin

Old shaman whispers to you 'Show me you are a competent Riftwalker by using 'create rift' to travel to the sphere (and back again) from the following location: You are in a secret room, behind the study. Shafts of light break through small cracks in the walls, providing some limited visibility.'

Your entities will now be more attuned to the spell 'unstun'.

Travel in style

Old shaman whispers to you 'Show me you are a competent Riftwalker by using 'create rift' to travel to the sphere (and back again) from the following location: This is the great office of King Tariel. He spends most of his waking time here, studying reports brought to him by his leutenants and spies around the realm. If he is not here, he can be found in the throneroom or occasionally in the Tiger 'n' Hawk Bar.'

You feel like your mana regeneration has increased.

Tier 3

Bully boy

Old shaman whispers to you 'I think you are weak! Prove yourself otherwise by giving me a spark forged from my own life essence and you might change my mind.'

Shaman will work hard to make your sacrifices last longer.

Divine control

Old shaman whispers to you 'To further my research, I require a rift spark created from the death of a black magic-eating cloud hovers around here.'

Hitting monsters with offensive spells will no longer cause control of a magic entity to drop.

Hold on tight

Old shaman whispers to you 'Show me you are a competent Riftwalker by using 'create rift' to travel to the sphere (and back again) from the following location: You are in a small chamber inside the huge pyramid. This room was used to store crops and there are some ancient seeds on the ground. There are some pots made of clay on the dusty floor. Several burned-out torches occupy the stone walls. Some yellow sand drips from the joints of the stone blocks of the ceiling.'

You feel more intelligent.

Armament longevity

Old shaman whispers to you 'To further my research, I require a rift spark created from the death of a skeletal figure in blood red robes, sitting on the sofa, lost in thought.'

The energy drain on your entity weapons has decreased.

Ultimate force

Old shaman whispers to you 'To further my research, I require a rift spark created from the death of Moratar Cain the diabolic Archlich, LORD of the Necropolis.'

The energy which your entities feed on will last longer. Rift pulse has a chance to do more damage against epic foes.

Suck it up

Old shaman whispers to you 'To further my research, I require a rift spark created from the death of a HUGE cave beast, drooling all over the floor.'

The ability your entities have of absorbing critical hits has increased.

Tier 4

Bulk up for battle

Old shaman whispers to you 'To further my research, I require a rift spark created from the death of Lord Faroon, looking dashing in his freshly laundered clothes.'

Epic voyage

Old shaman whispers to you 'To further my research, I require a rift spark created from the death of King Elah of Maelstrom, enveloped in clear blue water.'


Old shaman whispers to you 'To further my research, I require a rift spark created from the death of Ward Nadab of Inferno, engulfed in flames.'

Your fire entity will now perform skills faster.

Rock solid

Old shaman whispers to you 'To further my research, I require a rift spark created from the death of King Zimri of Denali, standing proud and strong.'

Storm hunter

Old shaman whispers to you 'To further my research, I require a rift spark created from the death of Ward Baasah of Typhoon, surrounded by howling winds.'

Your air entity will now perform skills faster.

Magic entity track

First two tasks become available once you have 200 entity levels in total. At that point you'll get a notification "The old shamans face appears in your minds eye. His lips move, but you have trouble hearing what he's saying. You catch the words '.. tasks for you ..' but nothing more."

Take care of a pest

To further my research, I require a rift spark created from the death of The massive king rock-digger, sitting quietly.

You now have the power to summon a magic entity.

Task master

Old shaman whispers to you 'Show me you are a competent Riftwalker by using 'create rift' to travel to the sphere (and back again) from the following location: You are standing in the deep forest behind the manor house. There are animal tracks all over the place. There are some bushes here which seem a bit strange.'

Your tasks will now save over reincs.

Show your power

Old shaman whispers to you 'Show me your strength and power! Using your magic entity, kill 10 monsters with an exp worth of 500000 or more.'

Magic entity control will now break when an offensive spell hits, not when you begin to cast.