Tinmen monastery

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General description: Some persistent tinmen found this abandoned monastery while on an expedition out of their shrine. Jaina<analytics uacct="UA-3466433-3" ></analytics>'s second area.
Location on Desolathya:
(whereami: 404x, 420y)
On Jeskko's map
Difficulty: Safe for newbies to explore if the dead are not disturbed. Midbie parties; top monster would be challenge for a highbie party. A determined newbie party could probably obtain some fishing gear.
Coder: Jaina<analytics uacct="UA-3466433-3" ></analytics>
Size (in rooms): 21
Map of the area:
1st floor

O---O---O   O
| X | X |   |
|       |
O---O   O
    |   |
S---E---O               E = Entrance
                        S = Stairs u/d
2nd floor               < = Down

   O  O
   | /

Other information: Easily accessible rooms have no aggro monsters

NPCs at the area:

Name Exp Race Alignment Aggro
Anvil stands motionless on the bed tinmen evil no
Bellows stands calmly in the middle of a HUGE pile of books 37k - 55k tinmen evil no
Blowtorch peers quizzically down at the rug tinmen evil no
Cogwell fiddles about, brewing something tinmen evil no
Coppertone is making the rounds, watering plants tinmen evil no
Crankshaft stares at the candles on the dining hall table tinmen evil no
Diecast is caught in a tight loop, staring at the window 44-50k tinmen evil no
Gearbox rummages through a closet, trying on clothing 42k - 56k tinmen no
Piston is trying to overclock himself tinmen evil no
Powertrain putters back and forth, cooking something tinmen evil no
Sledgehammer is staring down into the well, waiting patiently tinmen no
The rotting body of Brother Maerius Zedek (undead) ~1m human
Tom Servo stands here, tasting the brews tinmen evil no
Wellforge stares at the sand, perhaps counting the grains tinmen evil
Wireframe is learning to photosynthesize just like the plants tinmen no
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