Lord Wainamoinen, the chief bard of Kalevala and protector of the universe

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Fire glints in the eyes of Wainamoinen. His bearing is that of a young man, and yet his beard and hair are white and his skin like treebark. It is rumoured among the people of Finnland that he holds a powerful musical instrument, a kanteel which he reputedly made himself from the jawbone of a demon pikefish he slew on one of his forays into Pohjola. It is said that only those who are either very powerful or very foolish dare incur Wainamoinen's wrath. He is dressed in flowing tresses of thick embroidered leather armour, polished to a gleaming sheen, with plates of copper stitched to it in critical places, providing protection.
Wainamoinen's equipment:

2-3 random items:

+ also a round-headed amulet if you know how.

Spells: wither flesh, golden arrow, dispel evil, frost insulation, electric field
Skills: Missing skills
Area: Kalevala
Alignment: good
Race: human
Exp worth: 1036k - 1039k
Aggressive: no
Gender: male
PAP: 14 days