Some monsters in BatMUD are protected for being killed too many times by certain group and in overall, thus having a "rapeprot", a common nickname for abuse protection.
Although there is variation on how the actual abuse prevention is implemented, one thing is quite generally common among them:
When having the so called rapeprot up and looking at the monster, after its description there is a line saying 'This monster looks somehow familiar...'.
In that case you should inform the party that you have the prot and you should leave the party as soon as possible.
If monster is being damaged by a party that has a member who has abuse protection up, usually the monsters' items become "flawed", which means that they have at least halved stats. Depending on the implementation they might also disintegrate to dust, or just in some other way make the trip not worthwhile.
It is possible to check your personal active abuse protections in game via mobprot command.
Below is presented an (incomplete) list of NPCs and other things that have either personal, global or both kind of abuse protections.
Special cases
NPCs with abuse protection
A HUGE nightmare, a black and spiky form with burning eyes
Huge nightmare
A beautiful and tall woman with hair the color of pale gold
60 days
A breathtakingly beautiful sylph enchantress
7 days
A darkly brooding drow fighter sits here.
5 days
A filthy robed skaven performing a strange ritual
Plague monk
14 days
A ghostly drow warrior is looking for someone. (undead)
Drow ghost
7 days
A gorgeous looking woman clad in shadows
Shelaste Shadowwalker
8 days
A high priestess of Esachen, protector of stability
90 days
A hulking beast full of sound and fury, on all fours
7 days
A large cobalt green dragon with a forked tail
5 days
A man clad in black silk smiling at you in arrogant manner
72 days
A small black and blue demon with huge cranium
Demon enslaver
7 days
A tall, armoured drow bodyguard stands here.
14 days
A towering demon, swathed in black
Osenseida, Demon Shogun
21 days
A woman clad in black silk glaring at you in hostile manner
72 days
An ENORMOUS goshawk is sitting on the edge of the nest looking ravenous
7 days
An armoured drow woman traces her fingers over the map.
Lady Zilvra
14 days
Aniengo the colourful and happy fairy dragon
Aniengo the fairy dragon
7 days
Apocalypse, the world crushing demon
10 days
Araas, the beautiful Queen of Ice
Ice queen
60 days
Arthas, the Paladin Master of the Highest Justice
20 days
Dag Dag Schwingenator, ruler of Magerathia
Dag Dag Schwingenator
66 days
Dr. Livingstone, the famous zoologist and explorer
14 days
Eidilon, the almighty archangel of goodness (holy aura)
30 days
Fiona the brownie nun (very sad)
28 days
Golux, the master conjurer of slime
Golux, the master conjurer of slime
16 days
Grimoor, Lord of Ultimate Chaos
7 days
Henry Amberley, defender of the Amberleys
30 days
Absolute global prot (read: undoable) for couple days. Also hits harder and does more specials if killed recently.
Ista, the defiant, rebellious lord of chaos
Jane, the Goddess
18 days
Kitiara the Dragon highlord
24 days
Krakenclaw the Mighty God of Thunder
7-8 days
Kraxthrax, commander of the orcish horde
15 days
Lear Rotth, the undead lord superior, infuriated beyond comprehension (undead)
Lear Rotth
Instantly kills before 4 months, gives extra age (and possibly hits harder?) for 2 more months WARNING : see other info.
Lesser demon of draen-dalar
Demon of draen-dalar
~5 weeks
Lord Necorp, the leech Mindcrafter
Lord Necorp
60 days
Lord Wainamoinen, the chief bard of Kalevala and protector of the universe
14 days
Merelix the white druid
90 day
Miss April, the priestess of Loraen
Mokele Membee, the last dinosaur
Mokele Membee
60 days
Moratar Cain the diabolic Archlich (undead)
Moratar Cain
22 days
Moreod, the master vampire, stands majestetically in black velvet robes (undead)
Nithem the Lich, skeletal figure in blood red robes (undead)
Nithem the Lich
14 days
Noble soldier of Faerwon guarding the convent gate
3 months
Aggressive for 2 months after killed
Ntein the twin brother of Derov (possessed) (undead)
3 days (??I got no mobprot after killing)
Prince Masoj, head of house Hlaund, stands here
Prince Masoj
14 days
Raztax, the Almighty demon is crushing you to bits
Raztax, the Demon
one week
Reanimated body hosting the ancient Witch-king (undead)
Rechendak, the Elementalist, Lord of the Cloud and the Giants
Rechendak, the Elementalist
30 days
Sable Bladetree, lord high ranger
Serrawyn Olardomos the Patriarch of Calythien
Serrawyn Olardomos
2 months
Shade of Mithrandir the Druid GuildMaster
Wields shield after a week after killed
Sister Alysia the Inquisitor of Las
Sister Alysia the Inquisitor of Las
180 days
Wears eq again after random time after killed.
Sister Valentina the Chosen of Saints
Sister Valentina
Skie the Blue Dragon looks lazily at you
60 days
Tall human in a black suit
7 days
The ancient elemental Wyrm called Stifsim
120 days
Hits harder if killed recently
The black reaver is here searching for his prey
Black Reaver
15 days
Tom Bombadil is here feeding birds and bunnies.
Tom Bombadil
14 days
Trilloch Haz-gon the grey Elf
4 months
Tyranicus Karakurt the king of the lizard men
Tyranicus Karakurt
30 days
Umegord Cadelannon the Warrior King of Calythien
Umegord Cadelannon
2 months
Wiespe the lecherous vampire (undead)
28 days
15 days
Zyll, Supreme Master of Ndoki and Sorcerer Extraordinarie
30 days
See list of NPCs with abuse protection.