Henry Amberley, defender of the Amberleys

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Henry Amberley is the last defender of the Amberley family. He protects the Amberley family and their secrets with divine intervention. The large and sturdy man glows slightly white proving that the divine intervention is for real. He's wielding a large sword and armoured by the finest of armours.
Henry's equipment:

Amulet: The Amberley Ankh

Torso: A sparkling breastplate <red glow>
or The breastplate of the clan Amberley (blessed) <red glow>
or The Divine Amberley Breastplate (blessed)

Wielded in left claw: An Amberley Shield

Wielded in right claw: The sword of Divine Glory (blessed) <humming> <red glow>
or The famous sword called 'The Preserver' <red glow>
or The sword of the clan Amberley (blessed)

Quest after killing Henry also yields one random item:

Spells: psychic storm, psychic crush, forget, paralyze, mirror image
Skills: riposte
Area: Brimshire
Alignment: good
Race: human
Exp worth: 1037k - 1250k
GAP: Absolute global prot (read: undoable) for couple days. Also hits harder and does more specials if killed recently.
PAP: 30 days